   Parent Workshop


Workshop on ‘Prevention of Cervical Cancer’

An insightful workshop on ‘Prevention of Cervical Cancer’ was organised in Gyan Mandir Public School on 11.5.2024, in association with Rotary Club of Delhi Heights. This session was specially designed for the mothers of students from grades 6 to 12. The workshop was led by Dr. Sujata Pathak, a Senior Scientist from AIIMS and was scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

The workshop commenced with a warm welcome accorded by honourable Principal ma’am , Ms. Rajesh Bano Preeya to the esteemed resource person, Dr. Sujata Pathak, Rotarian Shravan Chhajar, President, Rotary Club of Delhi Heights and all the attendees.

Dr. Sujata Pathak began by explaining what cervical cancer is, its causes and its prevalence. She highlighted the significance of early detection and prevention in combating this disease.

The session covered various risk factors associated with cervical cancer, including human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, smoking and weakened immune systems.

Dr. Pathak emphasized the importance of regular screenings such as Pap smears and HPV tests. She discussed lifestyle changes and preventive measures that can significantly reduce the risk of cervical cancer, including the importance of HPV vaccination. She explained the common symptoms of cervical cancer and stressed the importance of not ignoring these symptoms and seeking medical advice promptly.

An overview of the various treatment options available for cervical cancer was provided. Dr. Pathak also talked about the advancements in medical research that have improved treatment outcomes.

The mothers attending the workshop were highly engaged and participated in the discussions enthusiastically. They asked numerous questions, seeking clarity on various aspects of cervical cancer prevention and treatment. Dr. Pathak addressed each query comprehensively, ensuring that the attendees left with a thorough understanding of the subject.

The workshop provided invaluable knowledge and awareness to the attendees, empowering them with the information needed to take proactive steps in preventing cervical cancer. Dr. Sujata Pathak's expertise and clear communication made the session highly informative and impactful.

Organised By : Anon Global Foundation
Event Details
Name of the Workshop Good Parenting
Name of the speaker Ms. Shammi Proothi
Date of the workshop 9thDecember 2023
Participants Parents of students of classes VI - VIII

Event description

‘Two great things you can give your children: one is roots, the other is wings.’

Parents of students of classes VI - VIII attended a workshop on ‘Good Parenting’ at GyanMandir Public School,NarainaVihar, as a part of the ‘Parents’ Enrichment Program’. The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Shammi Proothi from Anon Global Foundation.

She spoke about the importance of setting a routine for children and striking the right balance between disciplining a child and giving into his or her emotional needs. She added that a more participative, involved style of parenting will build trusting relationship between the parent, child and the school and will make them more secure and mature adults in future.

With many questions and doubts being clarified at the workshop, it turned out to be a highly interactive session. Ms. Shammi was felicitated by the school Principal, Ms Rajesh Banopreeya, with a small token of gratitude.

The parents shared an encouraging, positive feedback about the workshop and appreciated the school’s effort in involving the parents in overall child development. They look forward to attend such workshops in near future also.

01.08.2023 to 31.08.2023
Events / Celebrations / Workshops conducted at School
05.08.2023 Open Day cum PTM & Exhibition 2023 GMPS Attended by the parents of classes I to X, distinguished guests
12.08.2023 PTM for classes Pre-Primary & XI, XII GMPS Attended by the parents
14.08.2023 Independence Day Celebration GMPS Attended by the distinguished guests and parents of participants



(What to do & what not to do as a parent)

Mobile addiction has become one of the main causes of concern for every parent today. In today’s world where all our errands are run online, it is a difficult task for children to stay away from mobile phones. Schools are facing a major online shift due to the pandemic and keeping children away from mobile phones has become more challenging.

Keeping in mind the rising concern, Gyan Mandir Public School organised a webinar , in association with Fortis Healthcare , for parents on the topic ‘MOBILE AND INTERNET ADDICTION IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS’ (What to do & what not to do as a parent) on Saturday, 23.07.2022.

The resource persons ,Dr.Trideep Kumar Choudhury , a Consultant Psychiatrist at Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, Fortis Healthcare and Dr. Aditi Kaul , Head-Expressive Arts Based Therapist Psychologist , Fortis Healthcare, emphasized that the burning issue is that children have become addicted to internet and mobile phone. They play video games on the Internet in excess and can’t physically stop checking social media which is interfering with their relations with family members and also with academics.

The resource persons apprised the parents about the negativeconsequences – both medical and social; of overusing the mobile phones. They briefed about how the overuse of mobiles is one of the major causes of brain tumours, eyesight and hearing related problems. Moreover, it also leads to cyber bullying, isolationand loneliness in children.

They gave insightful tips to the parents to teach children responsible decision-making skills so that they can be prepared to be smart consumers of smartphones and internet applications.